Praise for Counter-Strike from the Sky

Counter-Strike is more than a blow-by-blow account of Operation Dingo ... it provides the reader with a thorough understanding of how the Fireforce concept worked, with technical details for the keen militarist”
John Redfern, Msasa Mail

“The counter-insurgency skills refined by the Rhodesians have transformed the way that Western militaries fight guerrillas; I can speak from personal experience that those tactics have saved many lives in Afghanistan, including my own”
MacKenzie, California, USA

“It is an excellent survey of counter-insurgency operations in Rhodesia ... with the current interest in counter-insurgency operations it will provide useful reading”
Alan Jeffreys, Military History Association Journal

Counter-Strike from the Sky will become one of those specialist military classics, such as von Mellenthin’s Panzer Battles 1939-1945, Lord Moran’s The Anatomy of Courage and Michael Herr’s Dispatches
Dominic Hoole, The Star

“It is fantastic and I will certainly add it to my growing collection of great books about the heroic effort that Rhodesia put forth in maintaining its independence against all odds and the world”
Frank Resillez, Political Analyst, USA

“I consider it to be a milestone in books about Rhodesia and it has brought to light many issues I had never known or considered”
George Hall, UK

“This book should be found on professional reading lists and as command and staff course texts. Wood’s prose, graphics, illustrations, and Cocks’s audio-visual presentation successfully bring the reader and viewer into the intense world of Fireforce operations. This is a fully documented work written and edited from the insights of participants. I highly recommend it as the lessons of the past have a relevance to the needs of the present”
Charles D. Melson, Chief Historian,
History Division, U.S. Marine Corps

“It is a must-read for any soldier anywhere in the world to learn the skills created by the masters of airborne COIN ops. The book has so much detail it’s like a manual but it’s also a must-read book for anyone interested in military history”
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