


imageGulp as I stare at the mass of octopuses trying to rebuild their city. It is their home, and mine too. A perpetual succession of uncertainties is haunting me. What if they do not listen to me? They have every right. Running away to escape the responsibilities of being a future ruler is what I would call honorable behavior. And, as much as I despise them, I secretly feel that Cerys is correct to treat me as an irresponsible, cocky teenager. But, not wanting him to win this case, I swim to lift myself so that everyone can see me. I bring two fingers to my neck to amplify my voice. As I see, everyone stops what they are doing and looks at me distrustfully.

“Dear inhabitants of the Octopus Empire, you shall fear no more! I am Taron, the son of Capriles, and I came to bring salvation for all of us.”

I take a brief pause, breathing slowly to steady my voice.

“I know it is a hard situation for all of us. Only the gods know how devastated I am to have abandoned you when you needed me the most. But I came here to redeem myself, to bring our beautiful country back to its original splendor, and we can only do this if we are in harmony with each other. We will make everything return to normal. This is my oath to you.”

Now I hat the crowd is slowly approving of my words. I can determine that by how their eyes light up in faith for me and their kingdom. Now I shout my ultimate words.

“Are you all with me?”

They respond simultaneously with a loud yes.

“Then let us work together towards a brighter future!”

With these words, everyone claps. They shout: “Long live the Emperor!” many times. I thank the man making my way toward the fortress, eager to see Monique. I hate locking her up, but it is the safest place for humans to stay at the moment. The royal guards defending the main entrance greet me with a nod as they let me enter the building. It is almost the same as I remember it being eight years ago. The ample blue ballroom is shining in the light of the many golden candelabra. One of them fell to the ground, pieces of glass scattered throughout the room. Paying attention to avoid any indiscreet eye, I swim through the many long crystal corridors to reach a stair leading me to the underground level of the castle, where I can find the dungeons. Saying that this place is scary is saying the least. The poor mermaid must be scared to death. In the large prison cell, made of stone bricks on three sides and with obsidian bars on the other one, is sitting Monique.

“Nice discourse, Prince,” she affirms, “Though it is a shame that every word you said could not be more false. I cannot wait for everyone else to realize that, too.”

“Talise, that is not true. It is safer for you to remain. Because of the war, the Octopus Empire accepts sirens, so I cannot keep her a friend. It will be temporary. I will find a solution-”

“How?” she interrupts me, raising her voice. “You do not even know what you are saying! I know what your plan is. You think I am a spy, and you intend to use me so that the Siren Reign will have to agree to an end to the war to release me? And, her name is Monique, not Talise!”

“Please do not shout, since you might never know who could hear us. I cannot risk using your real name. What you are saying is utterly nonsense. Not to hurt your ego, but to the eyes of the Siren Reign, you are just a simple mermaid. You are no Princess, so I highly doubt that King Theo will end a war because of you. For now, you will stay here, soon, when you will be in a safer.”

“Position. You will be free to return to the Siren Reign, though, and then you can decide to do whatever you want to, ok?”

Monique sighs, crossing her arms.

“Fine, but be quick. Staying here is driving me crazy.” I nod.

“I will come to see you again soon. Do not worry about eating and sleeping comfortably, as I will take care of it. Just stay calm.”

And with this, I turn around to exit the dark place, trying to ignore the faint sobs of Monique.



BLUE VELVET GENTLY covers the floor of the enormous castle library. Ancient books fill the many shelves. I quickly scan through them, and I soon find what I want. I grab a massive tome. On its black cover, I see a golden sign that says, ‘History of Mermen and Mermaids - Volume 256’. I place it on the large table, and I take a seat to look at it, the only source of illumination on this black night. Getting to know your enemy is the best way of defeating it, so I carefully read, trying to get knowledgeable about the contemporary history of the species, its strengths, and its weaknesses. But then a particular name catches my attention. Monique Fayne. I warily browse the paragraph, my heart beating faster with each passing second.

“What the hell, Monique?”