
I wake up at 4:00 a.m. on Sunday. This is just plain wrong. This time should not exist. I’ve had more views on the new vlog than on the previous one. I give in and check the comments.

I watched your vlog. It’s not as easy as that.

You look fresh! I love your look! It makes a change from everyone else covered in lipstick.


Trolls aren’t all tragic. Some of us genuinely hate you.

Perhaps I’ve taken on too much. I can’t really tackle stuff that I haven’t experienced myself, can I? I do just sound stupid and dorky. People have told me I am a total idiot, and do you know what? They are right. I better think hard about what I can vlog about next. Like Bradley says, I have to think about my brand.

But then there’s one comment from @DannyTruds …

Another great vlog.

And a heart emoji.


And confusing.

Does that mean he…?

Danny and Bradley are in my head a lot. Like a massive, swirling boy mess. My whole body feels like a whirlwind. I need to try to go back to sleep.