In the kitchen, Emily took him aside like a spy. “Margaret wants to make dinner for everyone tomorrow night.”
He was immediately annoyed, as if his plans had been ruined.
“I thought we were doing burgers and dogs on the grill.”
“We can do them for lunch. She wants to contribute.”
“I understand that she wants to contribute. She doesn’t have any money.”
Emily looked over her shoulder as if he was being too loud. “She’s not going to spend a lot of money. She’s going to make that pasta with the pine nuts you said you liked.”
“I do like it, I just don’t want her spending money she needs for other things.”
“I think it’s good she wants to do this, so that’s what we’re doing. I’m just letting you know.”
“I guess I don’t get a vote.”
“No,” she said, “you don’t. And you’ll like it.”
“I’m sure I will,” he said.