I love God, my family, and our way of living our faith as part of an Old Order Mennonite community in southern Ohio. I also like working with plants and words, and writing this book has been a unique way of combining everything I love.

Several people have helped me a great deal in all the steps necessary to take this book from its beginning to its conclusion, and it seems only fair to acknowledge that assistance with a grateful thankyou.

The editors at Herald Press—Valerie Weaver-Zercher, who suggested this project and got it started, and Melodie Davis, who saw it through to the end. Melodie, you were always there to answer my questions and help me along, and your editing expertise polished mywords.

My friends Glen and Ida Rose Martin, who kindly read the entire first draft of this manuscript and shared their thoughts andencouragement.

My friend Faith Sommers, whose prayers and encouragement were a bright spot in the early days as I struggled to get this manuscript up andrunning.

And always, always, a special thank you to Laverne, who not only supports my writing but encourages it, and to our children, Cody, Alisha, Matthan. You are familiar with all the hazards that go with having a wife and mother who writes—yet you continue to love meanyway.