Congratulations on making it to the end of this book. You are one of the few who completes the task at hand. I applaud you.
We’ve covered a lot in this book. My advice is to implement everything you learned. If you’re not sure where to begin, then this 10-day plan is here to help you jump-start your limitless journey.
You can follow this plan I made for you, or you can handpick three top tips you’d like to integrate from each main section: Mindset, Motivation, and Methods. In this way you can focus on the areas where you feel you’re currently lacking and need more support. You can also download this 10-Day Kwik Start program in video format from
Thank you for allowing me to be your brain coach through this book. I look forward to hearing about your progress.
Put this acronym (FASTER) into action on day one:
For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 4.
Identify the voices in your head that are focusing on what you can’t do—those Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). Start talking back to them.
Remember, too, to discount those pesky LIEs: Limiting Ideas Entertained. And consistently check in with your BS, Belief Systems. When you find yourself thinking, I always screw up this sort of thing, counter with, Just because I haven’t always been good at this in the past doesn’t mean that I can’t be great at it now. How can I learn this?
Don’t shrink what’s possible to fit your mind, expand your mind to fit what’s possible. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 8.
Reflect on the power of dominant questions. You likely have one question you’re subconsciously asking yourself throughout the day. Identify this question and think about how you can change it to change your behavior. Knowledge itself is not power, it only has that potential when you apply it. Start asking the questions that will help you get the empowering answers you need throughout the day. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 4.
Take a moment to write down all the disadvantages you will have when you don’t apply what you learned in this book. For example, you could write, “I will have to keep studying hard and settle for the same mediocre results.” “I will continue to doubt myself.” “I won’t be able to show up at my best for my loved ones” or “I won’t get a good job.”
Now, write down the advantages you will have when you apply what you learned, such as: “I’ll be able to learn what I need to learn with confidence, get a great job I love, and make a lot of money so I can give back to the world.” “I will have more free time to exercise and get healthy, travel, and spend more time with my significant other.” Or something simple like, “I will finally have some free time to just get caught up and relax!”
Get specific. See it, feel it, believe in it, and then work daily for it. Visualize your celebratory champagne moment. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 7.
Purpose is about how you relate to other people. Purpose is what you’re here to share with the world. What is your why?
Think about who’s counting on you to be limitless. Is it your family? Your lover? Your friends? Colleagues? Neighbors? Get specific about who you’re letting down by setting limits in your life. Now, think about how you can affect the lives of others when you show up 100 percent. You’ve found your purpose. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 7.
Take small, simple steps to create one new healthy habit that will lead you to success. Make it a part of your morning routine. You’ll never change your life until you decide to change something you do daily. Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact on both our levels of happiness and success. If you’re persistent you can achieve it, if you’re consistent you can keep it. Little by little, a little can become a lot. Remember, every professional was once a beginner.
Pick one new habit you will start doing today. How can you break it down to small, simple steps that you can do consistently each day? For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 9.
Harness your energy to win each day. Eat one or more of these brain foods daily. Which one is your favorite, and why? Remember, what you eat matters, especially for your gray matter. Is what you’re eating energizing you or depleting you? Write down some creative recipes you can make using the brain foods below:
Avocados | Green leafy vegetables |
Blueberries | Salmon |
Broccoli | Turmeric |
Dark chocolate | Walnuts |
Eggs | Water |
For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 8.
Studying isn’t just for people in school. We’re all lifelong learners. Set the optimal state to study and learn. Remove distractions. Use the HEAR (Halt, Empathy, Anticipate, Review) method to watch a TED video you’ve never seen before and practice your listening skills. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 12.
Before you begin any task, always check with your MOM (motivation, observation, methods). Also, check in with your why. What is your motive for remembering that person’s name? What do you observe? Remember, most of your memory is not a retention issue; it’s an attention issue. Practice remembering the names of everyone you meet today by using the association technique. If you forget someone’s name, write down if it was your motivation, observation, or the method that led you to forget that name. Then try again with another person.
You can practice this skill even when you’re shopping at a grocery store or walking through the street or watching television, or anything. Assign names to strangers you see and test how many you can remember. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 13.
Set a daily reading goal, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day. There’s power to reading and these benefits compound over time. The key is consistency. Pick a book you’ve been wanting to read, set a timer for 10 minutes, put away the distractions, and practice reading with a visual pacer. Then schedule your reading time for each day; put it in your calendar as an appointment with yourself.
Leaders are readers. Reading is great exercise for your mind. Remember, you can download decades of experience by reading just one book. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 14.
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach,
maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
It’s not how smart your children are, it’s how are they smart. Traditional education teaches children what to learn, what to focus on, what to think, what to study, and even what to remember. But not how to learn, how to focus, how to think, how to study, and how to remember.
Having grown up with my own learning difficulties, one of my passions is teaching our youth about their mindset, motivation, and methods of learning.
How can you start? I’ve put some of my favorite strategies in a “kwik” bonus chapter.
You can download the chapter at:
“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”
Can you apply the Limitless model to your business? Absolutely! For over two decades, we’ve used these methods to train organizations of all sizes, from entrepreneurial start-ups to corporate clients, including Google, Virgin, Nike, GE, Fox Studios, and Zappos.
Human capital (the collective education, skills, knowledge, training) is an organization’s most valuable and most underutilized asset. For your business to grow, your team’s collective brainpower must grow.
How can you harness your team’s limitless cognitive potential? I wrote a bonus chapter to help you on your way.
You can download the chapter at:
We’ve assembled the ultimate set of resources that complement this book and will magnify your results.
These include:
For your free access, go to:
How do you train yourself, your family, or your team the methods of focus, study, memory improvement, speed reading, and thinking skills?
We’ve created for you the ultimate proven and simple-to-add-into-your-life online training for anyone looking to uplevel their capabilities.
All you need is 15 minutes a day to build a new learning habit in each area.
Visit and use the code “LIMITLESS” to get 25% off your registration as a thank you for purchasing this book.
When you do, you will join our community of Kwik Brains from 195 countries. Your success is our success, every program comes with an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee.