
I’m grateful for the reading, advice, support, encouragement, assistance, and writing space from Anar Ali, Chris Andrew, Irene Andrew, William Andrew, Artscape, Linda Bec, Ryan Bigge, Andy Brown, Susan Bustos, Andrew Daley, Ms. Guidi, The Haylows, Samantha Haywood, Sarah Henstra, Deane Hutchinson, Larissa Kostoff, Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer, Mike Lewis, Meghan Macdonald, L.T.R. McDonald, Maria Meindl, Menalon (Joseph Murray and Lodewijk Vos), Grace O’Connell, Natalie Olsen, the Ontario Arts Council, David Palibroda, Karen Palibroda, Ryan Palibroda, Ron Piovesan, Robyn Read, Heidi Reimer, Rebecca Rosenblum, Saving Gigi, Sarah Selecky, Roey Shemesh, Stephanie Sinclair, Danyl Sobolev, Ania Szado, Conan Tobias, Jessica Westhead, Shannon Whibbs, Liz Worth, Julia Zarankin, the wonderful women of the Toronto Writers’ Salon, and in memoriam, Meg Sircom, who wrote with bravery and honesty for too short a time.