Serves: 2 or 3

Serving size: 1½ cups

Calories per serving: 65

I was one of those people who was addicted to soda! It’s as if I had to have one every time I ate. I felt like the “free refill” concept for those sugary drinks was designed especially for me! So it’s only fair that I share my secret soda alternative with you. The natural sweetness of the fresh fruit offers a much better taste than the canned stuff. Say good-bye to the refined sugar overload for good!

In a blender, combine the pineapple, lime juice, honey, and ⅓ cup water and blend until smooth. Pour the pineapple-lime mixture into a pitcher, add the sparkling water, and stir with a spoon.

For additional sweetness, add more honey, but taste as you go so you don’t overdo it. Pour over ice cubes and get ready to be refreshed.