Do you like it when I call you Snoodlepuss, Snoodlepuss?
I’m going to pretend your poem was in French,
and ‘The soul of an egg / salad sandwich
bought from / the Pentagon’s automat’
was about falling asleep on my shoulder.
I’m going to look a series of websites
in the eye and tell them I won’t back down,
and I will, by nighttime, start typing up
the story that puts the pro in protagonist.
I was aware of all your peculiar
ailments. Canapé Rash. Top Hat Dropsy.
Turtle Soup Intolerance. Limousine
Anxiety. It’s amazing you survived.
I wanted to ask about your silk allergies.
To see if you were coping. Just to see
if you still write poems about Bigfoot
and if that Bigfoot has an Irish name.