Those who do not learn their history are condemned to not have an opinion as to what Sir John A. Macdonald’s favourite Justin Bieber song would have been.

Beyoncé reads about a jaguar’s health.

It’s been four months since she kinda gave up

on the collection A Clatter of Hooves:

Canadian Poetry’s Biggest Poem-Makers.

Beyoncé’s library, from the pictures,

seems to be in Houston, but a Houston

with more electric cars and fewer people

saying, ‘Oh, yeah, where’s that gonna get you?’

All libraries are credible ripostes

to conversations that hold us down

and smother us. ‘I am sorry for your

many cancers and for that Sting concert.’

Why bother knocking when you plan to break down

the door? Jaguars live only in poems –

‘Aunt Juniper’s Jaguars’ or some such hoot

that Houston would never bother with.