Some editors and authors frown on using semicolons in fiction. Semicolons are a legitimate form of punctuation, however, and it’s your right as a novelist to use them. If you so insist, do so sparingly.


Capitalization and the Semicolon

The first word after a semicolon should always be lowercase.


Semicolons and Independent Clauses

A semicolon is used to separate closely related independent clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction. In other words, use a semicolon if you want to glue together two complete sentences that are similar in subject.


They did this when they were angry; speaking by way of text messages kept the screaming to all caps.1


Martin Luther King, Jr. said that “Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness.”


Ten finalists performed to be the next American Idol; only two finalists remain.


Mr. Sanchez is a successful chef; however, he won’t eat his own cooking.


Rules for This Rule

An independent clause is a set of words that creates a complete sentence. If you are using a semicolon to join two clauses together and one of those clauses isn’t an independent clause, a semicolon is the wrong choice and you should use a comma instead.

Also, it is incorrect to use a semicolon if you have a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, etc.) between your two clauses.

If you put a comma between two independent clauses, you will create a comma splice, an error I talked about in the chapter on common mistakes (see Chapter 3).


Use a semicolon with conjunctive adverbs.

Conjunctive adverbs (also, besides, finally, however, in contrast, instead, otherwise, then, therefore, etc.) connect words, phrases, and clauses to give clarity to a sentence. Conjunctive adverbs behave like coordinating conjunctions because they connect two main clauses; however, when you connect two independent clauses with a conjunctive adverb, you need a semicolon, not a comma.


Micah could have told the truth; instead, he told several lies.


Gina shopped all day; however, she didn’t buy anything.


Isaac is an introvert; in contrast, his brother is outgoing.


Semicolons Between Items in a Series

A semicolon is also used between items in a series that contain internal punctuation.

That means, you’re already listing things, but then you list something with commas, which messes up your list. You need to somehow set apart any commas that are serving a different purpose. You do this by using semicolons to separate the main items in your list. That frees you up to use commas inside the semicolons, if needed.


I ate berries; toast; eggs scrambled with sausage, tomatoes, hash browns, and cheese; and a smoothie for breakfast.


Some popular fantasy novels for teens are Harry Potter, starring the boy wizard with a lightning-bolt scar; Eragon, where a young boy becomes a dragon rider; and the timeless Chronicles of Narnia, in which a group of children enter a magical land through a wardrobe.