- When I’m not working on something, I feel . . .
- At peace.
- Worried that I’m not being productive.
- Bored and/or anxious.
- While reading this chapter, I . . .
- Read it all the way through without stopping.
- Found my thoughts drifting off and had to force myself back to the page.
- Put the book down once or twice and got involved with something else.
- When I’m alone, I feel . . .
- Happy.
- Like other people are having more fun than me.
- Restless and discontent.
- When I want to work on something, I . . .
- Just get started.
- Wait for a moment when I can catch my breath, then dive in.
- Put it off until the right time, which never seems to come.
- If I have to stop something midway through, I often . . .
- Pick it right back up when the time is right.
- Can’t find where I put the items I need the next day.
- Can’t seem to get back to the task no matter what.
- My mind most often feels . . .
- Organized and focused.
- Like I’m struggling to find balance.
- Chaotic and under siege.
- If I’m home alone for the night, I will definitely . . .
- Find a creative way to use my time.
- Watch TV or surf the web.
- Panic.
- The last time I turned off my phone was . . .
- Within the last twenty-four hours.
- Sometime in the last week or two.
- There’s an off switch?
- Compared to other people, my life is . . .
- Unique and not really comparable.
- Better than others’ most of the time.
- Not up to par most of the time.
- Where are my keys?
- Right where they belong.
- Probably in one of two places.
- I have no idea, as usual.
HOW YOU SCORED: This test measures two things: stillness and your gratitude. The more A’s you circled, the better you are at calming your mind and counting your blessings. B’s indicate you’re probably making a conscious effort to capture grace and gratitude, but you’re often still busy keeping up with the Joneses, if not the Kardashians. C, in this case, stands for chaos; finding a place for yourself and spending more time in quiet meditation could really help.