Worksheet: Your Magic Mantra Maker

There are a million mantras out there, and just googling “motivational mantras” will give you endless ideas to play with. But only you can truly know what matters most to you.

This exercise will help you find mantras that touch on your goals and core values. First, write out some keywords that are important to you. I’ve broken them down into three categories:

ACTION WORDS: These describe in general terms the action that you are taking. Sometimes that action doesn’t sound like an action as all (“relax,” “accept”), but in fact stepping back and letting things happen can be the hardest thing to do—and, often, the most valuable.

EXAMPLES: relax, work, fight, try, accept, allow, open, let go, dream, embrace, do, seek, love, forgive

VALUE WORDS: These describe what’s sacred to you. They’re the core values that you need to be mindful of when you’re connecting the action to the goal.

EXAMPLES: God, spirit, nature, family, love, heart, friends, dedication, honesty, hope, generosity, truth, sincerity, kindness, forgiveness, respect

GOAL WORDS: These describe what you’re shooting for. They can be specific (“Drop ten pounds”) or general (“Look great”), but in general they’re broad, thought-provoking words or ideas.

EXAMPLES: wealth, success, fame, victory, big, improve, strong, lean, health, power, mental strength, confidence, self-love, joy, awareness


Circle the words that mean the most to you. This is a great starting point for surfing the web to look for full quotes that include those keywords. Then write the full quotes in the space here . . . and anywhere else you want to be reminded of them. Maybe get a chalkboard so you can rotate them and write down new ones as you evolve!