Raw Super Bars


12 pitted dates

⅓ cup chia seeds

1 tablespoon manuka honey

1 tablespoon honey

⅔ cup almond butter

⅓ cup hemp seeds

2 teaspoons ashwagandha powder (optional)

2 teaspoons cordyceps powder (optional)

4 teaspoons maca powder

2 scoops protein powder (optional)

2 tablespoons brain octane oil, MCT oil, or coconut oil

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

⅔ cup goji berries

½ cup cocoa nibs

Pinch of sea salt

Reduced-fat finely shredded coconut

Combine the dates, chia seeds, honeys, almond butter, hemp seeds, ashwagandha, cordyceps, if using, maca, protein powder, brain octane oil, cinnamon, goji berries, cocoa nibs, and sea salt in a food processor. Process well. Transfer to a rimmed baking sheet and pack the mixture down very well. Sprinkle shredded coconut over the top to cover completely. Shift the pan side to side to help cover evenly. Refrigerate for about 1 hour to set before you cut into bars. Store in the fridge in an airtight container.