Saturday April 16th

Dear L

I have to tell you something. I’ve been keeping it in all week. I can’t sleep. I keep replaying what happened in my head over and over. I think you are maybe the only person who will understand.

What’s the worst name you’ve ever been called?

On Wednesday. After gym. Katy got in my face and warned me not to be a “dirty N-word.” I didn’t tell you on the phone because I wanted to forget it. But I can’t.

Why does telling the truth never work? I tried to speak up for myself. I went to my gym teacher the next day and told. But Mrs. Drew just said that I must have “heard wrong” because she didn’t hear it.

Can you believe it?! Adults never listen. I did NOT hear wrong. But nobody else will say anything. Not Amelia. Not Ashley or Erica. So it’s my word against Katy’s. And who is gonna listen to me? I am so angry I could punch someone. I am so tired I could sleep for the rest of the weekend.

I’m gonna just stick to myself from now on. And I’m definitely not telling anyone in my family. Can you imagine? My mom would die. She’d probably cry about it for days. No. I just want to bury this. Deep.



PS I’m going to ask Dylan to the mixer next week. Why not. Before it’s too late. Thanks for the pep talk. imageimage