posted April 25th
Dear K
I love the title. LOL. You know I always have questions. And that tagline is perfect. I am so glad you figured out the password. I knew you would.
I’ve been thinking about that word Katy called you. A lot. I never got to tell you about my trip to the Museum of African American History and Culture. It was super awkward to walk through some of the exhibits with my mom. When we arrived. We took a big elevator to the very bottom floor of the museum. When we got out we were in a dark cramped gallery with pictures and artifacts from the slave trade. It felt like we were IN a slave ship. The rooms were narrow and triangular. It was hot and crowded and dark. My mom kept gasping at all the images of black people in chains. And she was holding my hand really tight. I dunno. I felt like. She was making a big scene. And that everyone was looking at me. Like maybe she never really thought about how bad it must have been. But I have.
When I was standing in that crowded space with her. I felt alone. And then later in the cafeteria for lunch my mom said: “I’m so glad we’ve come so far as a country.” But have we? Not if people are still using the N-word. I guess what I am trying to say is that the museum made me feel both small and proud. Like. Look at all the great things black people have done even though we went through—and still go through—so much.
I do know that I feel most powerful when I’m on the balance beam. When I land all my jumps and stick my landing. That’s when I feel the strongest. Like I can do anything.
Your BFF
PS Here is a picture I took of a Billie Holiday “master disc.” You’re welcome.