posted October 17th
Dear L
Are you mad at me? I am worried. You never wrote me after gymnastics camp. Where are you? I’ve called your mom’s cell a bunch of times. Did she tell you I called? Do you hate me? I hope not. I hope you answer soon.
Here are some things that have happened:
1. My mom tried to kill herself. She’s doing better now. But nothing is the same and it was a really scary summer. I’ll tell you more over the phone.
2. I’m still homeschooled. There is ab new girl in group named Jojo (who I think you’d like) and a girl named Liza who is going to teach me to ride a horse. So that will be an adventure.
3. HUCK LIKES ME! I mean. I think. We are going to hang out alone. As friends for now. But we’ll see what happens.
4. This summer I realized that adults have just as many questions as we do. That they don’t have all the answers. Is this what it feels like to grow up?
Lena. I miss you. Write me soon.