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Alder Stone, The: a Seer Stone held by House Alder

Amulet of Escandell: a magical device that detects the presence of danger; gifted to Claradon by Pipkorn

Articles of the Republic: the Lomerian constitution

Asgardian Daggers: legendary weapons created in the first age of Midgaard. They can harm creatures of Nifleheim.

Axe of Bigby the Bold: made of Mithril; gifted to Ob by Pipkorn

Barsen's Reserve: a high quality brandy

Book of the Nobility: treatise containing the traditional Lomerian laws with respect to the nobility.

Cavindish Wine: a sweet white wine made in Lomion

Chapterhouse: base/manor/fortress of a knightly order

Dargus Dal: Asgardian dagger, previously Gabriel's, now Theta's

Dor: a generic Lomerian word meaning “fortress”

du Marnian Stone, The: a Seer Stone held by Azura du Marnian

Dyvers Blades: finely crafted steel swords

Ether, The: invisible medium that exists everywhere and within which the weave of magic travels/exists.

Ghost Ship Box: calls forth an illusory ship; created by Pipkorn and gifted to Claradon.

Granite Throne, The: the name of the king’s throne in Lomion City. To “sit the granite throne” means to be the king.

Mages and Monsters: a popular, tactical war game that uses miniatures

Mearn: comes in a jar

Mithril: precious metal of great strength and relative lightness

Essence of Nightshade: a lethal, fast-acting poison; carried by Black Hand agents as suicide pills to thwart capture

Orb of Wisdom: mystical crystal spheres that can be used to open portals between worlds.

Ragnarok: prophesied battle between the Aesir and the Nifleites.

Ranal: a black metal, hard as steel and half as heavy, weapons made of it can affect creatures of chaos

Rings of the Magi: amplify a wizard's power; twenty created by Talidousen

Seer Stones: magical “crystal balls” that can see far-off events.

Shards of Darkness: the remnants of the destroyed Orb of Wisdom from the Temple of Guymaog.

Spottle: a dice game that uses a live frog

Sventeran Stone, The: a Seer Stone loaned to the Malvegils by the Svarts.

Tribunal: the highest-ranking judiciary body in the Kingdom of Lomion; members of the tribunal are called “High Magisters.”

Valusian steel: famed for its quality

Weave of Magic; aka the Magical Weave: the source of magic

Worfin Dal: “Lord's Dagger,” Claradon's Asgardian dagger

Wotan Dal: “Odin's Dagger”; gifted to Theta by Pipkorn.

Yggdrasill: sacred tree that supports and/or connects the Nine Worlds


Sigils and Standards

Standard of the Lomerian Guard: a white tower on a field of green. Soldiers wear red helmets and red and gray tabards with the standard embossed on at the center of their chests

Lomion Colors: red and gray

Myrdonian Knight Colors: emerald greed armor and weapons

Languages of Midgaard

Lomerian: the common tongue of Lomion and much of the known world

Magus Mysterious: olden language of sorcery

Militus Mysterious: olden language of sorcery used by certain orders of knights

Old High Lomerian: an olden dialect of Lomerian

Throng Baz: a dead language

Svartish: language of the svarts

Trollspeak: language of the mountain trolls

Combat Maneuvers, Techniques, and Styles

Dyvers’ thrusting maneuvers

Dwarvish overhand strikes

Cernian technique

Sarnack maneuvers

Lengian cut and thrust style

Valusian thrust

Military Units of Lomion

Squad: a unit of soldiers typically composed of 3 to 8 soldiers, but it can be as few as 2 or as many as 15 soldiers.

Squadron: a unit of soldiers typically composed of two to four squads, totaling about 30 soldiers.

Cavalry Squadron or Troop: same as “squadron” but often has additional support troops to tend to the horses and supplies.

Company: a military unit composed of 4 squadrons, totaling about 120 - 150 soldiers. Mercenary Companies can be of any size, the word “company” in their title, notwithstanding.

Brigade: a military unit composed of 8 companies, totaling about 1,000 soldiers

Regiment: a military unit composed of 4 brigades, totaling about 4,000 — 5,000 soldiers

Corps or Army: a military unit composed of 4 regiments and support troops, totaling about 20,000 — 25,000 soldiers

Military Ranks of Lomion

(from junior to senior)




Lieutenant (a knight is considered equivalent in rank to a Lieutenant)


Knight Captain (for units with Knights)


Knight Commander (for units with Knights)

Lord Commander (if a noble)

General (for Regiment sized units or larger)