With your unrelenting ambition, carefully-laid plans and sure-footedness in rough times, you, Seagoats, seem destined to succeed as entrepreneurs. But at times, your caution causes you to turn down a good deal as you focus more on the negative for fear you’ll overlook its weak points. At other times, you can appear so cool and aloof that no offers are made. The secret to your entrepreneurial mastery lies in borrowing certain qualities of the Sign Libra, which rules the career and achievement area of your chart:
1) Contacts can be the make-or-break element in the start-up phase. Toning down your seriousness and playing up your charm and diplomacy will build a network of connections quickly.
2) Self-sufficiency and hard work are keys to success, but so are teamwork and sociability. Being lighthearted and affable more often will cultivate loyal, cooperative associates or employees.
3) Your prudence and self-sacrifices are admirable. But cutting too many corners and pinching too many pennies can impede your progress. Sometimes you must spend—on advertising, equipment, etc.—to boost profits.
4) Combining your efficiency, determination and dependability with creativity, expressiveness and affability (important Libra traits), is your secret weapon to becoming a great entrepreneur.