Success seems inevitable for you, Seagoats. With your unrelenting ambition, carefully-laid plans and ability to keep your footing when the going gets rough, you appear to be unstoppable. But often when opportunities for advancement arise, you accentuate the negative, darkening your brightest chances. Or you simply shut people out, remaining cool, aloof and remote. The real secret of winning recognition for you, Caps, lies in borrowing some of the qualities of the Sign Libra, which rules the career area of your solar chart. You need to incorporate more of Libra’s charm, graciousness and diplomacy into your game plan since your rise to the top could be through social contacts. Also try for greater Libran balance in your attitude toward work versus play, gloom versus optimism, self-sufficiency versus teamwork. Your inner strength and competence deserves real praise; they will always be prime assets. When you combine them with Libran kindness and social savvy, you’ll have success within your grasp.