How to tap your moneymaking powers

You have untapped moneymaking skills you can profitably put to use to attain your great ambitions, Capricorn. You’ve probably been told the best ways for you to prosper are through your drive, hard work and practical business sense. That’s true, but don’t overlook your lesser-known Capricorn talents. Not often mentioned is your flair for public service, science, technology or major humanitarian causes. You can make a name for yourself in politics as did fellow Caps, Woodrow Wilson, Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon, if you keep your goals realistic. In large-scale humanistic efforts, you can look to Seagoats Albert Schweitzer, Clara Barton and Martin Luther King, Jr. for inspiration. Or, read about the careers of scientists Louis Pasteur and Johannes Kepler to learn how to proceed. Whatever you do, you are more aware than most people realize of how to improve life for all mankind. You fail only when you allow negative thinking to overtake you.