Your Capricorn ambition, drive and steady pace seem to make you a sure bet for worldly success. Practical and shrewd, you usually stick with conventional methods to gain the security, and the status you seek. But because of your great caution, you may bury talents or not attempt as much as you are capable of. In fact, at times, you can become entangled in negative thinking as you unconsciously work against yourself. The most common self-defeating patterns for you Goats are those linked to your Solar Twelfth House of Hidden Liabilities.
The optimistic, expansive side of your nature is often buried beneath a load of self-imposed duties and obligations. You are likely to select a sure thing and neglect creative opportunities. Sometimes you even resist normal generosity, becoming tight-fisted in your quest for financial gain. It’s vital that you uncover some of your natural sense of humor and frivolity. Life does not have to be serious and somber as you make it.