As a Capricorn, you have a practical, well-organized, hard-driving mind. You also possess staying power where ambition is involved. But when it comes to love and your emotional reactions, how do you rate? If you have learned to use your Capricorn traits to good advantage, you’ll score high in this test, if not, better study the answers you missed for some valuable tips.
1. Does status influence your choice of a mate?
2. Are you sexier than most people suspect?
3. Does your ambition get the way of romance?
4. Do you keep your word with an amor?
5. Does thriftiness make you seem stingy?
6. Is your love sincere and long-lasting?
HOW TO SCORE: Start with a base of 100. Add 10 points for each yes to even-numbered questions. Deduct 10 points for each yes to odd-numbered questions.
70 – 100 Below average. Lighten up a bit.
100 – 120 Very good. Skilled in relationships.
120 – 130 Excellent. You’re irresistible!