There are many tricks and techniques for building memory power, but not all of them suit you, Goats. Based on your special traits, here’s what will work best for you:
1) ORGANIZATION—Facts arranged in order are easier to recall than random information. So if you classify data into specific categories or groups, you’ve already won half the battle. Even a casual conversation is easier to remember if you mentally organize key facts as you listen to the other person. When studying for an exam or learning any new information, you’ll retain more by relating it to a central theme.
2) USAGE—Putting what you learn into immediate practice is an excellent way to commit it to memory. For example, merely repeating foreign phrases is not as effective as using them by roleplaying with a buddy, asking for directions, shopping or ordering lunch.
3) VISUALIZATION—If you cannot immediately use certain information, picture a future situation in which you might. As you do, see yourself actually communicating the data. Experts purport that ginkgo biloba, estrogen, Vitamin E, choline, gotu kola, Siberian ginseng, amalaki and purple sage improve mental functioning. However, be sure to consult your physician before taking any dietary supplements.