Signs of lasting love for Capricorn

ARIES: The Ram rushes heatedly by while you bide your time. A low burn is apt to be your reaction.

TAURUS: Material ambitions and huge successes are likely with this duo. The Bull appreciates you.

GEMINI: You’ll never understand why he or she won’t settle down and stop roaming so restlessly.

CANCER: A sensitive family type who’ll provide love, tea and sympathy if you’ll unbend a little.

LEO: You won’t show enough adulation to satisfy the Lion. Any romance could cool off quickly.

VIRGO: You’ll share devotion to duty, hardwork and uncommon common sense. A perfect mate for you.

LIBRA: Charming, but this one looks for the silver linings you well know are not there. Frustrating.

SCORPIO: Here’s someone who can understands your goals and ambitions and helps you attain them.

SAGITTARIUS: Too bent on continually pulling up roots that you’ve securely planted in the earth.

CAPRICORN: No one is nicer and more predictable than another Goat. A comforting choice as a mate.

AQUARIUS: Their offbeat behavior may upset your beloved status quo and thunder on your parade!

PISCES: This dreamer builds castles in the air. You could put a solid foundation beneath them.