Great holiday gifts for Capricorn

Capricorn is a business “wiz” so any gift that furthers their trade or fiscal skills is sure to please them. Items that can be showcased and admired by others will bring raves. Climbers are time-efficient, so consider a leather appointment book or a handsome clock. They either shun or adore the latest gadgets—there is rarely an in-between. Those who thrive on high-tech may love a laptop computer, portable fax or video editing machine. Caps prize the fine workmanship of handmade items, such as wood carvings, quilts or custom sweaters. They also value tradition and would treasure a replica of the family crest or an etiquette book. Other winning gifts are an antique brass desk lamp, music box, mint stamps for their collection or a famous-name biography. For Capricorn Children, a piggy-bank, classic car models, paint-by-numbers set, pocket calculator, junior attache case or a furnished doll-house are perfect for this industrious Kids!