How to make a first-rate impression

When you meet someone new and want to make a good impression, your first words are important. Logical and direct, Capricorn, you usually manage to appear quite sensible from your opening remarks. But you also may seem overly cool unless you try to project warmth and feeling as well as common sense. To attract lovers, friends or colleagues who are worthy of your loyalty, accent your more human side. Don’t talk only about big plans, hardwork or the past. Avoid an air of superiority and indifference. Instead, radiate some of the qualities of your opposite sign – Cancer – by openly displaying friendliness, affection and a greater degree of compassion toward new contacts.

You’ll always make a hit with members of the Signs most compatible with yours if you let your dependability show without being too rigid. Another Capricorn will admire your sure-footedness. The other Earth Signs – Taurus and Virgo – will appreciate your sincerity. The Water Signs – Scorpio and Pisces – will be drawn by your quiet strength.