The sexual side of Capricorn

A Capricorn can be one of the most exciting lovers of the zodiac, once you set aside a few of your inhibitions. Don’t make every act of courtship an eternal debate: “Should I approach that outrageously attractive person?” Yes, says the sexual Seagoat. “No,” says your tough conscience, “you should invest your energy into moving up the career or social ladder.” Of course, many of you have a solution to this dilemma. You often sweep the boss’s offspring off their feet and into your arms. You firmly believe in the old adage that it’s just as easy to fall in love with someone with lots of money as someone with very little.

When you are younger and your drive to succeed is your strongest point, you are usually attracted to the realistic, security-minded outlook shared by the other Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, or another Capricorn. As you mature and allow your sensual nature to surface, you could become more infatuated by passionate Scorpio and Pisces.