You, astute, sure-footed Seagoats, have an ambitious streak that will get you to the top in almost any work you do. You’ll best acquire wealth in an occupation where you can move slowly and cautiously into a high post. You’ll organize, negotiate and work long hours to make sure you win money, status and recognition. You are likely to attain your maximum earning power and the prestige you desire in a practical, technical or responsible situation—in such fields as management, merchandising, real estate, agriculture, editing, archaeology, architecture or dentistry.
To keep more of what you earn, make good use of your shopping savvy—you’re a born bargain hunter. With the money you save, map some clear plans and goals. You’d lose sleep over risky investments you cannot control, so instead allocate a set 5-10% a month to solid opportunities. Municipal bonds, retirement funds or real estate are ideal investments for you.