Climbing a 250-foot-tall Parashorea tomentella in Danum Valley, Borneo, 2015.
Exploring a specimen of Grammatophyllum speciosum—the world’s largest orchid—growing 200 feet up in the branches of a huge Dipterocarpus tree in the Borneo rainforest, 2007.
A 260-foot-tall mengaris tree (Koompassia excelsa) looms up through the mist in Borneo’s Danum Valley, 1998. These are some of the tallest tropical hardwoods on the planet.
The author rigging a canopy filming platform 180 feet above the forest floor in Borneo, 2015.
© Cede Prudente
In the arms of a giant mengaris tree (Koompassia excelsa), Borneo, 2010.
The author’s bed for the night, high up in the branches of an Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) in Morocco, 2013.
The author alongside Anom and Aliom, two tribal elders from the Korowai tribe, Papua, 2009. Anom is an experienced warrior and Aliom is the clan’s shaman.
A juvenile emerald tree boa in the rainforests of Papua, 2009. Moments after this photo was taken, children from the Korowai tribe grabbed the snake, threw it on a fire, and ate it.
The finished Korowai treehouse, constructed 170 feet up in the canopy of a huge ironwood tree growing in the remote Papuan rainforests, 2009.
The Tarzan-style treehouse designed and built by the author on a film project in the rainforests of Gabon, Central Africa, 2009.
A 170-foot-tall giant sequoia, affectionately known as Goliath, growing in the New Forest, in the United Kingdom.
The morning after a cold night spent aloft in the branches of Goliath, 1994.
A bed high up in the branches of Goliath, a giant sequoia growing in the New Forest, UK, 2004.
Approaching a harpy eagle nest located in the crown of an enormous kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra), Venezuela, 2010.
© Graham Hatherley
The solitary harpy eagle chick on its nest 160 feet aboveground in the Venezuelan forest canopy, 2010.
Sunset from the top of a giant sequoia, 2017.
Getting between redwood canopies via a high-rope traverse, 2017.