Chapter Twenty-Nine

Apartment, Lower Manhattan

March 8, 8.39 p.m.

Harper sat in his car outside Denise’s apartment and continued trying to call anyone who might know anything about her. He called the building manager at her apartment, her neighbors, her colleagues and her therapists, but no one knew where she might be. Denise had kept herself to herself over the last few months.

Eddie appeared at the window and handed Harper a piece of paper. ‘That’s his cell.’

Harper nodded and called Daniel, Denise’s ex-boyfriend. He introduced himself.

‘Not you again – what the hell do you want?’ said Daniel.

‘Denise might be in danger, Daniel. So let’s forget our hang-ups. Try to help us here.’

‘What kind of danger?’

‘Just answer my questions.’

‘I’ll try. What do you need to know?’

‘Denise started running after the abduction.’

‘Yeah. Obsessively.’

‘We’ve been in her apartment. Her running shoes are missing, but her cell phone was still there. We guess she’s out there running somewhere. We’ve got an APB on her. You any idea where she might be?’

‘Brooklyn, I guess,’ said Daniel.

‘Brooklyn’s a big place,’ said Harper.

‘Listen, she has a GPS wristwatch. She downloads her routes and times on to her PC. If you can get on to her computer, it’ll have all her routes mapped.’

‘That’s great, Daniel. Thank you.’

‘Let me know when you find her.’

‘Will do,’ said Harper. He called across to Gerry Ratten and sent him up to Denise’s apartment. Harper and Eddie followed closely behind. ‘Call Dispatch, get some squad cars ready in Brooklyn.’

Gerry stopped and turned. ‘Harper, you drive across to Brooklyn – I can talk you through the routes by phone. No point in us all sitting in her apartment.’

Harper stopped. ‘Yeah, let’s do that. It might save us a few minutes.’ He watched Gerry lumber into the building. ‘Let’s hope he finds something.’

‘If it’s on her PC, Gerry will find it,’ said Eddie.