You might not expect this from a cookbook, but the truth is you cannot depend on just food alone to make you feel good. A holistic approach is one that encompasses mind, body and lifestyle beyond what is simply served on your plate. Once you address one area in your life, you soon notice what else isn’t falling into line. Start today with some of these simple changes and you’ll feel better immediately; the rest you can incorporate as and when you’re ready. You owe it to yourself to slough off bad habits and replace them with healthy new ones. Your new happier and healthier life begins right now!

+ Drink water first thing. Start the day with a glass of room-temperature or warm water to flush the system. If you like, add the juice of half a lemon, then rinse out your mouth and wait at least 20 minutes before brushing your teeth.

+ Take regular time out. This may sound like the most unachievable change, but in our experience taking time out makes extra time. For 2 minutes a day, close your eyes and shut out external stimulation, breathe deeply and slowly to oxygenate your blood.

+ Enjoy your lunch. Try to get away from your desk for lunch and spend an extra 10 minutes over it. Concentrate on the act of eating rather than trying to do other things at the same time.

+ Gentle exercise. Make time to head outside and get some fresh air. Go for a walk, do some gentle yoga, or make your way to work on foot. Don’t punish yourself at the gym. Gentle exercise will release the same good vibes as an intense workout and help you to ease into the day.

+ Switch off from tech. Try ‘no screen evenings’ and totally switch off from tech. Socialise instead, enjoying the company of your friends /family, read, paint, indulge in other hobbies or do a little cooking.

+ Wind down before bed. Give yourself a wind-down routine – aim to go to bed an hour earlier, have a ‘digital detox’ and give your eyes a rest from TV, phones and computers at least 2 hours before bed. Dim the lights and light some aromatherapy candles to set the mood and help your body and mind wind down – particularly important if you are suffering from stress or anxiety.

+ Night-time routine. Be sure to drink some water before hitting the hay. And remember to remove any make-up and cleanse your skin so that, with a good night’s sleep, it’s refreshed for the next day.


As you eat more naturally, try expanding this approach into other areas of your life. It will reap huge benefits for your general well-being. Get into green/chemical-free beauty products and cleaning products for the home. These don’t have to be expensive – use a homemade blend of equal parts almond or jojoba oil with unrefined sesame oil as a nourishing body moisturiser post-bathing.

We also like using organic coconut oil as a massage oil and a face cleanser. Simply massage it into your skin and then remove with a warm damp cloth. It’s great for removing eye makeup too. For a homemade face toner, brew a small cup of chamomile or green tea and store in the fridge for a few days in an airtight container.

Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar (don’t use your ACV – normal vinegar will do) make kinder traditional alternatives to the harsh and toxic household cleaners of today. For the bathroom, kitchen and other areas, use a separate microfibre cloth that you can throw into the wash for an economical, effective and environmentally-friendly way to clean your house easily.


Try these few tips and tricks:

+ Smiling reminds your body that everything is going to be OK!

+ A quick nap. Meditation is also a fantastic reset, but if you’re feeling flaky, then a snooze or even a little lie-down will be a massive help. Learn some deep-breathing techniques that you can do anywhere.

+ Lavender oil. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the edge of your pillow to soothe and relax you when you’re sleeping.

+ Positive reappraisal. Too often we give ourselves a hard time and dwell on the negatives. Observation is a useful tool and so is appreciation, so look back on the day, think about how you’re feeling and make a mental note of anything that you would do differently next time.



After a big night out or a heavy working week, adopt these easy steps to get yourself back to a good place. Avoid stimulants like caffeine, sugar, ‘hangover food’ or ‘hair of the dog’ and be gentle with yourself.

+ Good hydration. Start off/wake up with an alkalising lemon water and then keep drinking water and herbal teas throughout the day. If you can get a fresh coconut (full of electrolytes and minerals), all the better!

+ Bone broth. Having some quality Bone Broth (see here) at the ready is key to kicking post-party binging. We’ve always got a pot on the go, and a mug of bone broth with a squeeze of lemon juice and a little sea salt will soothe your stomach.

+ Make eggs with a soft yolk (to preserve anti-oxidants and heat sensitive nutrients), cooking them sunny side up in coconut oil for better absorption of those plentiful fat soluble vitamins found in the yolks. Serve with avocado and plenty of watercress and greens.

+ Have a bath. Take an Epsom salts bath or boil up some ginger to make a strong tea and add to the bath to help you sweat out any toxins. Dry body brushing and tongue-scraping will help to further rid the body of toxins.

+ Bed is best. Sleep is free and nothing else beats it, so put on your favourite pyjamas, sip a herbal bedtime tea and go to bed.