

by David Farland

Illustrators of the Future

by Echo Chernik


by Erik Bundy

Illustrated by Adar Darnov

A Smokeless and Scorching Fire

by Erin Cairns

Illustrated by Kyna Tek

The Howler on the Sales Floor

by Jonathan Ficke

Illustrated by Sidney Lugo

The Minarets of An-Zabat

by Jeremy TeGrotenhuis

Illustrated by Brenda Rodriguez


by L. Ron Hubbard

The Death Flyer

by L. Ron Hubbard

Illustrated by Ven Locklear

Odd and Ugly

by Vida Cruz

Illustrated by Reyna Rochin

Mara’s Shadow

by Darci Stone

Illustrated by Quintin Gleim


by Orson Scott Card

The Lesson

by Brandon Sanderson

Illustrated by Bea Jackson

Paying it Forward

by Jerry Pournelle

What Lies Beneath

by Cole Hehr

Illustrated by Maksym Polishchuk

The Face in the Box

by Janey Bell

Illustrated by Bruce Brenneise

Flee, My Pretty One

by Eneasz Brodski

Illustrated by Alana Fletcher

Passion and Profession

by Ciruelo


by Jody Lynn Nye

Inspired by Ciruelo’s Dragon Caller

A Bitter Thing

by N.R.M. Roshak

Illustrated by Jazmen Richardson

Miss Smokey

by Diana Hart

Illustrated by Anthony Moravian

All Light and Darkness

by Amy Henrie Gillett

Illustrated by Duncan Halleck

The Year in the Contests