I SEE ROASTED BEETS as a wonderful vessel for any number of imaginative toppings, as a lovely first course, or as one of a few vegetable plates on the table. Here are just a few ideas: Seasoned ricotta is a luscious topping with just salt and pepper, or vinegar, or lemon zest. Or use something special: dried rose petals.
⅓ cup fresh ricotta
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon sherry vinegar
Salt and pepper
1 large beet, roasted and peeled
2 tablespoons dried rose petals
Stir together the ricotta, oil, and vinegar in a small bowl, then add salt and pepper. Thickly slice the beet, lay the slices on plates, and top each with a dollop of seasoned ricotta and a few rose petals.