There are times when the endeavor of writing a novel is overwhelmingly solitary. But no one writes a novel alone, certainly not me.
I would like to thank my students, who give me new words every day—and who continually teach me that hope is more than just a mere abstraction. I see that word written on their faces week after week, semester after semester.
Jaime Esparza explained some necessary details in the criminal justice system. He also provided me with an invaluable tour of the El Paso County Jail. I thank him for his friendship and generosity.
Always, when I needed to remind myself that the world I lived in was far larger than my imagination, I turned to Ray Caballero and to Enrique Moreno. My life and my work are all the better for their decency, their true friendship, and their intellectual honesty.
I am grateful to Richard Green, who has been my agent for more than ten years. He read and reread several versions of this manuscript. I treasure his mind, his heart, and his loyalty.
I am eternally grateful to Patty Moosbrugger, who stepped in as my literary agent with unflinching faith, and equally unflinching professionalism.
Rene Alegria at Rayo/HarperCollins is everything a writer could want in an editor—he is self-possessed, intelligent, and articulate. He also happens to be a tireless advocate. No writer could ask for more.
My wife, Patricia, knows better than anyone the cost of living with a writer. She willingly pays that price with uncommon and extraordinary grace. Love is never truly earned—but that is no reason to be ungrateful for the beauty of the gift.
I am surrounded by good and admirable people. I am the luckiest of men.