Oreothlypis luciae
Lucy’s Warbler is a small, pale songbird. The sexes are subtly dissimilar. Adult males have pale blue-gray upperparts except for a chestnut rump and dark gray wings and tail. The underparts are pale gray with a white undertail. The pale face emphasizes the dark eye and there is a chestnut crown that is often partly concealed. Adult females are similar to an adult male but with a much-reduced crown patch and paler face. Immatures are similar to an adult female but the crown patch is absent.
Lucy’s Warbler is present as a breeding species mainly from April to July. It spends the rest of the year on the west coast of Mexico. Unusually among wood warblers, it nests in treeholes and crevices.
LENGTH 4.25 in (11 cm)
FOOD Invertebrates
HABITAT Waterside mesquite woodland
STATUS Locally common summer visitor
VOICE Song is a rapid warbling trill. Call is sharp chink