Geothlypis tolmiei
MacGillivray’s Warbler is the western, montane counterpart of Mourning Warbler. The sexes are dissimilar. Adult males have an olive-buff back, wings, and tail. There is a blue-gray hood, darkest on the lower margin and lores, and there is a broken white eyering. The underparts are otherwise bright yellow. Adult females are similar to an adult male but less colorful and with a pale gray hood. Immatures are similar to an adult female but with a mainly buffish-brown hood and a pale throat. The legs are pink in all birds.
MacGillivray’s Warbler is present as a breeding species mainly from June to August. It spends the rest of the year in Central America. This secretive wood warbler favors dense thickets and undergrowth, making it a challenge to see.
LENGTH 5.25 in (13.5 cm)
FOOD Invertebrates
HABITAT Dense mixed and conifer forests, usually near water
STATUS Common summer visitor
VOICE Song is in two parts, the first trilling, the second a series of sweet-sweet-chooee phrases. Call is a sharp tzik