Setophaga virens
The Black-throated Green Warbler is a distinctive black-faced warbler. The sexes are dissimilar. Adult males have an olive-yellow back, nape, and crown. The wings are dark with two white wingbars. The tail is dark above with white outer feathers, and white below. The face is yellow with olive-buff ear coverts. The throat and chest are black, and the underparts are otherwise mainly white with black streaks on the flanks, and a subtle yellow suffusion on the chest and flanks. Adult females are similar to an adult male but the throat is mottled yellow. Immatures are similar to an adult female but black feathering on the underparts is replaced by olive-brown.
The Black-throated Green Warbler is present as a breeding species in northern North America mainly from May to August. It spends the rest of the year in the Caribbean region. The species is an active feeder and sometimes hovers while searching for insects.
LENGTH 5 in (12.5 cm)
FOOD Invertebrates
HABITAT Conifer and mixed forests
STATUS Widespread and common summer visitor
VOICE Song is a series of buzzing whistles such as tzee-zee-zee-tzur-zee. Call is a soft tsip