Clay-colored Sparrow

Spizella pallida



The Clay-colored Sparrow is a rather pale species. The sexes are similar but there is seasonal plumage variation. Breeding adults have a brown back with dark streaks, and brown wings with two white wingbars. The tail is dark and a buffish-brown rump can be seen in flight. The nape is gray and the head pattern comprises a brown crown, a whitish supercilium, dark-framed brown ear coverts, and a white “mustache” and throat. The underparts are otherwise gray-buff. Non-breeding adults are paler and more buff overall, particularly on the breast. Juveniles are similar to a non-breeding adult but heavily streaked; by their first winter, they are like a non-breeding adult but even more buff.

The Clay-colored Sparrow is present as a breeding species across northern North America mainly from May to August. It spends the rest of the year mainly in Mexico, although small numbers winter in south Texas. It forms flocks outside the breeding season.


LENGTH 5.5 in (14 cm)

FOOD Mainly seeds, with invertebrates in spring and summer

HABITAT Scrubby grassland and prairies

STATUS Widespread and locally common summer visitor

VOICE Song is a series of insect-like buzzing trills. Call is a thin tsip

