Ammodramus nelsoni
Nelson’s Sparrow is superficially similar to Le Conte’s Sparrow, with subtle differences in plumage but entirely different habitat preferences. Birds that breed in the interior are subtly more colorful than those from the east of the species’ breeding range or from the Arctic. Given these regional differences, the sexes are similar. Adults have a buffish-brown back and wings, the back feathers with dark centers and pale margins that align to form lines. The head pattern comprises a gray-centered dark crown, and a buffish-yellow face with a dark line behind the eye and blue-gray ear coverts; the nape is also blue-gray. The throat is pale buff, and the breast and flanks are streaked and washed with yellowish buff; the underparts are otherwise white. Juveniles are similar to an adult but with more colorful upperparts and much-reduced streaking on the underparts.
Nelson’s Sparrow is present as a breeding species, mainly from June to September, in freshwater wetlands in the interior of its range but in saltmarshes elsewhere. In fall, all birds migrate to saltmarsh habitats on the Atlantic coast. It is a very secretive songbird that runs and creeps from danger, and seldom willingly takes flight.
LENGTH 4.75 in (12 cm)
FOOD Mainly seeds, with invertebrates in spring and summer
HABITAT Freshwater wetlands and saltmarshes in summer; coastal saltmarshes in winter
STATUS Locally common summer visitor; local in winter
VOICE Song is a wheezy trill, delivered in a short vertical display flight. Call is a sharp tsic