Northern Cardinal

Cardinalis cardinalis



With its peaked crest, the Northern Cardinal is an unmistakable and iconic North American songbird. The sexes are dissimilar. Adult males have a black face but otherwise bright red plumage and a bright red bill. Adult females have gray-buff body plumage with a subtly darker face, a red tail, red tip to the crest, and a red tint to the wings; the bill is dull red. Juveniles are similar to an adult female but the plumage is dull gray-buff overall, with a reddish flush to the breast and tail that is particularly noticeable in males; all juveniles have a dark bill. In flight, all birds reveal red underwing coverts that are brightest in adult males, dullest in juveniles.

The Northern Cardinal is present year-round across most of eastern North America and parts of the southwest. In many locations it is accustomed to people and often visits garden feeders in winter.






LENGTH 8.75 in (22 cm)

FOOD Mainly seeds and fruits

HABITAT Wide range of wooded habitats, including parks and gardens

STATUS Widespread and common resident

VOICE Song is a series of fluty whistles, typically either tiu-tiu-tiu-tiu or ptee-ptee-ptee. Call is a sharp tik

