Leucosticte australis
The Brown-capped Rosy-Finch is a hardy specialty of high-altitude mountain habitats. The sexes are dissimilar. Adult males have largely cinnamon-brown body plumage with rosy-pink wing coverts and wing feather margins, a pink rump and belly, and a dark cap. Adult females are more uniformly brown than an adult male, with very little pink in their plumage. Juveniles are similar to an adult female but much grayer overall.
The Brown-capped Rosy-Finch is present year-round in its eastern Rocky Mountain range. Outside the breeding season it forms flocks; harsh winter weather causes some altitudinal migration and dispersal. The species often feeds at the edge of melting snow.
LENGTH 6 in (15 cm)
FOOD Invertebrates, seeds, and berries
HABITAT Alpine habitats, above the treeline
STATUS Locally fairly common
VOICE Song comprises a series of harsh chew notes. Call is a harsh chew