Spinus tristis
The American Goldfinch is a distinctive songbird, males of which are very colorful. The sexes are dissimilar. Summer adult males have mainly yellow plumage with a black cap and forehead, a black tail, and black wings with a narrow yellow wingbar. The rump and undertail are white. Winter adult males recall a summer male but yellow elements of the plumage are yellow-buff, grading to grayish white on the belly. The dark wings show a pale patch on the greater coverts and a white wingbar. Adult females are similar to a winter male, but are brighter yellow overall in summer and grayer buff overall in winter. Juveniles are similar to a winter female.
The American Goldfinch is present year-round across much of the continent. In the breeding season its range extends farther north, and in winter it extends south throughout southern U.S.A. and into Mexico. Outside the breeding season the species forms flocks that are often seen feeding on thistle seedheads.
LENGTH 5 in (12.5 cm)
FOOD Invertebrates in summer; mainly seeds at other times
HABITAT Open habitats, including weedy fields and scrub
STATUS Widespread and common resident and summer breeder
VOICE Song is a series of chattering notes and whistles. Calls include various whistling notes