Passer montanus
The Eurasian Tree Sparrow is similar to a House Sparrow in terms of its size and proportions, but has distinctive plumage. The sexes are similar. Adults have brown upperparts with dark streaking on the back; the wings have dark feather centers and show two white wingbars. The chestnut cap is offset by the bold black patch and bib on the otherwise whitish cheeks and side of the head. The underparts are otherwise grayish white. Juveniles are similar to an adult but the markings are duller and less distinct, especially on the face.
The Eurasian Tree Sparrow was introduced from Europe in the 19th century and is now an established resident, mainly in west Illinois and neighboring states. It is semicolonial when nesting and is found in flocks outside the breeding season.
LENGTH 6 in (15 cm)
FOOD Mostly seeds, but some invertebrates in spring and summer
HABITAT Farmland and open country with scrub, and suburban parks
STATUS Local resident
VOICE Song includes various whistles and chirps. Calls include chirps and a sharp tik-tik in flight