Yellow-throated Vireo

Vireo flavifrons



The Yellow-throated Vireo is a colorful and well-marked songbird with a stout bill and relatively large head. The sexes are similar, and juveniles resemble adults. Adults have yellowish-green upperparts, and are bright yellow on the lores, eyering, throat, and breast; the underparts are otherwise white. The dark wings have two white wingbars and pale margins to the inner flight feathers. The legs are blue-gray.

The Yellow-throated Vireo is present as a breeding species across much of eastern North America, mainly from April to August. It spends the rest of the year in Central America. Despite its colorful appearance, it can be hard to spot when feeding among foliage; often its presence is first detected by hearing its song or call. It searches for insects in a deliberate manner.




LENGTH 5.5 in (14 cm)

FOOD Insects and other invertebrates

HABITAT Deciduous and mixed woodland

STATUS Widespread and common summer visitor

VOICE Song is a repeated tchee-er-ee, tche-ett. Calls include harsh tcheh notes

