Philadelphia Vireo

Vireo philadelphicus



The Philadelphia Vireo recalls a plump-bodied warbler (notably the Tennessee Warbler, but has a stouter bill and bolder head pattern. The sexes are similar. Adults have an olive-green back and neck with a grayish crown. The underparts are pale overall but variably flushed yellow. The face pattern comprises a white supercilium and dark eye stripe with a white line below it. Juveniles are similar to adults but the yellow suffusion to the underparts is more striking.

The Philadelphia Vireo is present as a breeding species across northern North America, mainly from May to September. It spends the rest of the year in Central America. Its localized summer distribution reflects its preference for young-growth trees in a woodland mosaic of different age classes. Regrowth after woodland management or selective clearance appears to benefit the species. It is unobtrusive and easiest to detect by its song.




LENGTH 5.25 in (13.5 cm)

FOOD Insects and other invertebrates

HABITAT New-growth deciduous woodland

STATUS Widespread but generally local summer visitor

VOICE Song recalls that of Red-eyed Vireo: a series of short phrases such as tse-oo-wit, tsee-oo with pauses between. Call is a nasal tchrrr

