Cyanocitta stelleri
Steller’s Jay is a colorful medium-sized songbird. The striking crest is longest in subspecies from the southern Rockies and shortest (also with some blue feathering) in Pacific coast subspecies. Given this regional variation, the sexes are similar. Adults have a dark sooty gray back and nape, and a mainly blackish head. The plumage is otherwise dark blue with variable amounts of dark laddering on the wings and tail. Juveniles are similar to adults but overall duller and browner.
Steller’s Jay is present year-round within its given western range, although in some years birds are irruptive, moving south and east outside the breeding season. The species is very inquisitive and will often visit campers and picnickers, on the lookout for scraps of food.
LENGTH 11.5 in (29 cm)
FOOD Omnivorous and opportunistic
HABITAT Conifer forests and mixed woodlands
STATUS Common resident
VOICE Calls include a chattering rattle and a harsh scheck