Aphelocoma californica
Within its North American range, the Western Scrub-jay is represented by an array of subspecies, which can be lumped into two main groups: Pacific coast birds and interior birds. Within these groups, the sexes are similar. Adult Pacific birds have mainly blue upperparts except for the gray-brown back, dark cheeks, and faint white supercilium. The underparts are pale gray except for the streaked whitish throat. Adult interior birds are similar but the upperparts are paler and brighter. Juveniles recall their adult counterparts but are overall dull gray above, with a blue tail and flight feathers, and pale gray underparts.
The Western Scrub-jay is present year-round, and mainly sedentary, in its southwestern range in North America. Pacific coast birds are usually bold and inquisitive, making them easy to see. Interior birds tend to be much shyer and skulking.
LENGTH 11 in (28 cm)
FOOD Omnivorous and opportunistic
HABITAT Wide range of wooded habitats
STATUS Common resident
VOICE Utters a variety of harsh and chattering calls, including a rasping cheerp