Sitta canadensis
The Red-breasted Nuthatch is a plump-bodied forest songbird. The sexes are subtly different. Adult males have a blue-gray back, wings, and tail, and mainly reddish-buff underparts. The head has a black crown and eye stripe, and a white supercilium, face, and chin. Adult females are similar, but the black elements of the head plumage are paler and the underparts are less colorful. Juveniles are similar to their respective adults, but have brown, not black, wing feathers.
The Red-breasted Nuthatch is present year-round across the central part of its North American range, as well as in the west. However, northern populations move south in fall and in winter the species’ range extends to most of the southern states. Outside the breeding season, Red-breasted Nuthatches often join roving flocks of mixed-species songbirds.
LENGTH 4.5 in (11.5 cm)
FOOD Invertebrates and seeds
HABITAT Conifer forests
STATUS Widespread and common resident, and partial migrant
VOICE Song comprises a series of nasal errn notes, similar to the call, which is reminiscent of the sound of a child’s toy trumpet