Checklist For A Daily Meditation Ritual



Check the following list and go through the rest of the guide based on this checklist in order to evaluate your personal situation.


Doing this evaluation work will help you find out which meditation technique you are going to choose for your daily meditation ritual.


Make sure to stick to this checklist and you will be able to achieve the ultimate meditation lifestyle and all the benefits that come with it:


• Choose one of the meditation methods from the following chapters

• Choose a time of day (morning, lunch, afternoon, evening) when you are not going to be inerrupted. Make sure to repeat your meditation on a daily basis.

• Choose a placid place where you feel cosy, comfortable and where you can relax.

• If you do not have enough time to go through your choosen meditation method, replace your usual meditation method with the new age meditation technique.


You will be learning more about the new age meditation technique in the new age meditation chapter. Just do not skip ahead and come back to guideline number 4 once you have gone through the specific chapter that talks about new age meditation.


Learning the proper and deep meditation ritual is as easy as following these basic guidelines.


The time of day when you do your daily meditation ritual should be the same every day because this makes it easier for your body and brain to get used to this new habit and feeling.


Some meditators find that meditating early in the morning is the best time for them because no one is going to disturb them. Others like myself prefer to meditate last thing at night after a nice hot shower and a little work out and before going to sleep.


You may find that the best time for you is while the rest of your family is occupied with other things like watching TV. There is no perfect time that fits everyone. Whatever works for you is fine! Just make sure that you practice on a daily basis because otherwise you will never achieve a proper meditation lifestyle.


It is up to you to choose a place that you like and where you are going to do your daily meditation. Some of my clients set aside a space in their house as their proper meditation room with their specific furniture, cushions, and rugs. However, if you are just starting out, you do not need an extra meditation room. I advise to wait with this and first master the basics.


If you are a meditation beginner you may decide to meditate in your bedroom, but some of my clients have told me that they find great pleasure meditating in places like their lounge, cosy kitchen or even their zen garden or butterfly garden. The exact space where you meditate does not really matter, but it is important to start practicing your daily meditation ritual and to repeat it every day with no exceptions.


If you find that the first place you chose is not really working for you, do not be afraid to change it and choose something more spiritual. The same thing applies to the time and the meditation method that you are going to choose. If it does not work for you, just pick another possibility or another meditation technique.


As you progress in your meditation journey, you will see that the ultimate benefit of meditation is going to depend on these basics and you will be able to achieve a deep and proper mediation ritual once you got the basics down.


A beginner might find guided meditation one of the easiest ways to get started with meditation. Guided meditation contains all the instructions that you need in order to achieve a state of higher consciousness.


To get started with guided meditation all you need is a guided meditation CD or mp3 audio that you like and a place where you will not be disturbed.


Start playing the guided meditation and sit or lie down and listen to the audio instructions.


By now you should have gone through the checklist and if you do respect this checklist, you are going to achieve a proper daily meditation ritual. You are now ready to move on to the next chapter where we get started discussing the different meditation techniques.


Remember that you have to choose one meditation technique from the upcoming methods in order to achieve a proper and deep meditation ritual which in the end leads you to the ultimate meditation lifestyle!


Please proceed to the next chapters to choose which one of the meditation techniques and methods you are going to choose for your daily meditation ritual.